It is terrifying to be driving down the interstate at 70 MPH only to be passed by a driver who is texting or emailing or surfing the web on a smartphone. This type of behavior has been shown to be 26 times more dangerous than drinking and driving. Yet, sadly, the above-described scenario is an all too common occurrence.
Thankfully, though, the potentially fatal consequences of texting and driving are finally receiving widespread media attention. AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign is a prime example and is undoubtedly one of the most impactful (and commendable) safety campaigns to date. AT&T’s television ads show the harsh realities of taking your eyes off the road … even for an instant. The following 30-second video is worth watching, remembering, and sharing with loved ones:
Interesting new research also shows that 2 of 3 people have almost all of the smartphone communications with just 5 people. More than 80% of participants in this safety study indicated that they would likely stop or reduce smartphone use while driving if asked by one of their top 5 contacts to make such a pledge. Take action to keep our roads safe from drivers distracted by a smartphone. Ask your top 5 contacts to pledge not to use a smartphone while driving. No text or email is more important than returning to your family safely.
Cunningham Bounds is committed to helping the families of men and women who have suffered serious personal injury or wrongful death as a result of a distracted driver. Please contact us today if we may be of any service to you, your family or your loved ones.