Top 3 Summertime Accidents

two kids sitting on the front of a boat

Summer is famous for outdoor barbecues, starry night fireworks, and fun pool parties. However, summer is also infamous for serious accidents and injuries. Read on to learn three of the most common summertime accidents and how to protect yourself from them.

#1. Swimming Pool Accidents

Swimming pools are sources of great fun, but also great danger. Children and teens using swimming pools should only do so under adult supervision. Additionally, it is vital that those around swimming pools do not run in order to prevent serious slip and fall injuries.

Sometimes, swimming pool accidents happen due to a property owner’s negligence. Pools, whether they be on public property or on a private apartment complex, should be secured with a surrounding fence and a locked gate. If a property owner fails in this duty, they may be held liable for any children who wander into the swimming pool area and fall into the water.

Additionally, it’s vital that property owners mark their pools with large warning signs indicating where not to dive and whether there is a lifeguard on duty. Not doing so may lead to serious injuries or even wrongful deaths.

#2. Boating Accidents

Another type of accident that may occur on the water is a boating accident. Although people may be lured into a false sense of security being on a boat that is traveling at slow speeds, or because they know they can swim, any boat trip poses significant risks to everyone on board.

The U.S. Coast Guard counted 4,168 accidents that involved 613 deaths, 2,559

injuries and approximately $55 million of damage to property as a result of

recreational boating accidents in 2019 alone. Many of these incidents occur when boaters operate their vessels irresponsibly, such as by speeding or by drinking excessively.

Additionally, many boating accident deaths occur when passengers do not wear a life jacket. It is vital that every boat passenger, even those who are strong swimmers, wear a life jacket whenever they are onboard a vessel. This is because the water is often unpredictable, and the currents can change at a moment’s notice. Such changes may make it difficult for even an experienced swimmer to keep their head above water.

#3. Bicycle Accidents

Many people take their bikes to the trails or the roads during the warmer summer months. This increase in traffic can increase the chances of a bicycle accident.

Many bicycle accidents occur when a motorist does not treat a bike as another vehicle and violates their right-of-way. Additionally, car doors opening and hitting bikers, as well as vehicles striking bicyclists during left-hand turns, are common causes of bicycle accidents.

While wearing a helmet greatly reduces the chances of serious head injuries or death, sometimes the blunt force trauma of a bicycle accident caused by a vehicle is too much for a bicyclist to overcome.

Injured in an Accident This Summer? We’re Here to Help

There is no doubt that most summers go off without a hitch and leave families with a lifetime of memories. However, the chances of an accident during this activity-filled season must not be dismissed.

If you or someone you love gets injured this summer, Cunningham Bounds can help you recover the compensation you need to move forward.

Call Cunningham Bounds at (844) 417-0930 to schedule a free consultation.

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